Obama's Gitmo-style Prisons Here at Home | Nat Hentoff | Cato Institute: Commentary: "CMUs are designed to hold terrorists and other high-risk inmates; but the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) demonstrates to me that also in the CMUs are 'environmental activists ... prisoners who have been active in organizing prisoners' rights (where they were previously incarcerated) or those with 'unpopular political views.'"
"the Obama-era rule can be applied to 'any inmate,' including 'persons held as witnesses, detainees or otherwise.'"
"'Designation of a control unit within the federal prison system regularly comes with due process. This includes notice of the allegations against you, an opportunity to refute those allegations, and an appeal. But prisoners sent to the CMU receive no such procedural protections.
'They are not told in any meaningful way why they have been designated to the CMU, nor do they have a chance to challenge that designation. Additionally, there is no meaningful review process that would allow them to earn their way out.
'CMU prisoners are therefore indefinitely subjected to harsh deprivations — such as a permanent blanket ban on contact visitation with family and loved ones (far more severe than at the Supermaxs) — without procedural protections guaranteed by the Constitution.'"
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