Monday, July 17, 2006

Global warming and clouds

Clouds act like a blanket. During the day they block the sun and therefore the earth doesn't heat up as much. During the night they reflect the heat back to the earth and therefore the earth doesn't loose as much heat. So would they prevent global warming? NASA wonders that too:
For example, if Earth's climate should warm due to the greenhouse effect , the weather patterns and the associated clouds would change; but it is not known whether the resulting cloud changes would diminish the warming (a negative feedback) or enhance the warming (a positive feedback). Moreover, it is not known whether these cloud changes would involve increased or decreased precipitation and water supplies in particular regions.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Anna quote

"Please me have ... (pause, thinking) ... What I talking about?"

Mass media news is pathetic

I get most of my news through websites, blogs, etc -- not through mass media outlets such as T.V. and radio. When I do listen to the news on T.V. or radio I am absolutely astounded by how pathetic it is. It sounds like it is intended for children.

Examples from a 1/2 hour T.V. news program of which I listened to only about 15 minutes:
  • There was a T.V. news story about some new new circles on the highway to help motorists follow at safe distances. That's nice. And it wasn't just 30 seconds mentioning an explaining. It was 3 minutes getting opinion, showing the circles, and other useless stuff.
  • There was a T.V. news story about a hit and run accident. It was reported on the scene of the accident (like there is anything to see so why does that matter) and the reporter said the driver could have been distracted by a cell phone (but he could have been distracted by a million other things also so why make conjecture).
  • Another T.V. news story about a group of rich people who took out an ad to request that taxes on the rich be increased to give more money to education. They reported that after the ad came out other rich people called them to give their support (so what -- So now you have 200 people out of the whole state who support you, which is insignificant). They did a few interviews with people on the street (the opinions of 3 people in the whole state are useless). They ended the useless report saying that it could happen in the future (well really, I didn't know that taxes might change in the future). They never even attempted to address real issues such as the potential impact of the tax increase and how the extra money would affect schools.
All of those stories were a few minutes long (not just a few seconds to mention it). Isn't there anything else more important than that happening in the world or even state? With commericals they spent at least 1/3 of the news on those stories. There is just too much junk to make it useful.

Cable Choice

Citizen Link supports the FCC mandating Cable Choice ( but why should the government mandate that? AFAIK cable companies are free to offer cable choice and customers are free to not choose cable if cable choice isn't offered. Smells like big government.