Critical of GOP candidate Ron Johnson | Hudson Star-Observer | Hudson, Wisconsin: "Since Johnson apparently forgot, here’s what he was recently asked by the website Wispolitics:
“Do you want to open up more of the United States — the continental United States — to drilling. I mean, would you support drilling like in the Great Lakes for example, if there was oil found there, or using more exploration in Alaska, in ANWR, those kinds of things?”
Johnson said: “Yeah. You know, the bottom line is that we are an oil-based economy. There’s nothing we’re going to do to get off of that for many, many years, so I think we have to just be realistic and recognize that fact. And I think we have to get the oil where it is, but we need to do it responsibly.”
Johnson let his answer stand for weeks. But the day before Russ Feingold ran an ad highlighting the need to protect the Great Lakes, Johnson changed his tune in a press release. Now he claims he’s always been against oil drilling in the Great Lakes."
It sounds like he was asked a general question, gave a general answer, and is now being chastised for specifics. I don't think this proves that he changed his mind -- it may simple prove that he wasn't careful enough with the details.