Friday, June 22, 2012

The Secession Solution - Chris Bassil - Mises Daily

The Secession Solution - Chris Bassil - Mises Daily: "One of the problems with a statewide referendum on the issue of gay marriage, or any domestic matter, is that it implicitly assumes that the state — as opposed to the county, city, neighborhood, place of business, or any other pool of people — is the appropriate unit for collective decision making. It suggests that state residency is a common denominator fundamental enough to bind 9.7 million people to one another's opinions, interests, and backgrounds — complex, diverse, and contradictory though they may be."

Leave Your Laptop in Your Bag « Blog

Leave Your Laptop in Your Bag « Blog: " the traveler in front of me left his laptop in his bag. I have no idea why laptops must be removed from their bags, nor do I really care because every TSA rule is arbitrary and pointless to discuss.

But why did it delay all of the travelers behind this gentleman 10 minutes? Because TSA welfare cretins must follow the rules, just like the Soviets in Gary North's story. The person examining the bags going through cannot inspect the bag that he flagged for review. He cannot use discretion and allow it to pass (after all, if prudent judgment was his strength, he wouldn't be working for TSA.) The officer has to yell "bag check!" and wait for a supervisor to come over. And wait. And wait. And wait."