Friday, April 07, 2006

Scientists have long known ... but they've had precious little fossil evidence


"Scientists have long known that fish evolved into the first creatures on land with four legs and backbones more than 365 million years ago, but they've had precious little fossil evidence to document how it happened."

Change that last "how" to "that" and then the statement is more accurate. :-) You can't know that it happened unless you can prove that it happened, much less show transitional fossils. This is like the old pictures that arranged horse fossil in order of height and showed that they evolved that way. Just because a group of fossils show a transition doesn't mean that they were related, much less in that order!

What really gets my goat is when people present something as scientific when it really just a belief -- and that damages true science! Until we invent some type of time machine, there will probably be no way to scientifically prove anything about the past (that is not accurately recorded).