Friday, September 16, 2011

Can Mitt Romney Escape His Romneycare Albatross? | Doug Bandow | Cato Institute: Commentary

Can Mitt Romney Escape His Romneycare Albatross? | Doug Bandow | Cato Institute: Commentary: 'In 1994 [Romney] backed a federal mandate. His concern about the overweening federal government apparently was not so finely developed then.

In any case, the fact that RomneyCare is constitutional does not mean that it is wise. Americans want their president to exercise good judgment and common sense, as well as respect the office's constitutional limits. RomneyCare fails the first two standards.'

NATO Is a Farce | Justin Logan | Cato Institute: Commentary

NATO Is a Farce | Justin Logan | Cato Institute: Commentary: 'NATO's recent travails in Libya illustrate the trouble with permanent alliances. That alliance now constitutes a transfer payment from U.S. taxpayers (and their Chinese creditors) to bloated European welfare states.'

'The post-Cold War NATO rationale is that we agree to spend and fight and the Europeans agree to support us — sometimes.'

'As NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen observed, "The fact is that Europe couldn't have [mounted the Libya campaign] on its own." Consider that for a moment: Europe, with an economy and population greater than those of the United States, could not beat up on a third-rate military just across the Mediterranean Sea on its own.'

Free Trade 101 for Members of Congress | Daniel Griswold | Cato Institute: Commentary

Free Trade 101 for Members of Congress | Daniel Griswold | Cato Institute: Commentary: 'Free trade empowers the individual and limits the state. The government should not be telling us where we can and can't spend our money. We don't need big government rigging markets to favor one producer over another at the expense of competition and the little guy.

Free trade helps American families balance their budgets. Import competition means lower prices, more choice, and better quality — for shoes, clothing, cars, computers and smartphones. Lower prices for consumer goods mean higher real wages for workers.

Protectionism is really a tax on the poor. Our highest remaining trade barriers unfairly tax products made and grown by poor people abroad and consumed disproportionately by poor families at home. We still impose unconscionably high tariffs on imported food, clothing, and shoes — the basics of a poor family's budget. The $26 billion we collect each year from duties on imports represent the federal government's most regressive tax. Free trade is a tax cut for the poor.'

Stay on Vacation | Michael D. Tanner | Cato Institute: Commentary

Stay on Vacation | Michael D. Tanner | Cato Institute: Commentary: 'In fact, we have now had at least five — or is it six? — stimulus plans since this recession started.

The first of these came back in February 2008 under the Bush administration: a $152 billion measure, featuring a $600 tax rebate, several incentives for businesses, and loan guarantees for the housing industry. Then, as the recession picked up steam in September 2008, Congress passed the $61 billion Job Creation and Unemployment Relief Act of 2008. This bill pumped money into federal "infrastructure projects" and extended unemployment insurance.

And of course, immediately after taking office, President Obama pushed through the giant $787 billion stimulus. He followed that up with an additional $26 billion bill in August of 2010, aimed at helping states retain teachers and make Medicaid payments. On top of that, in September 2010, Congress created a $30 billion fund to provide small businesses with low-interest loans. Finally, the December compromise that extended the Bush tax cuts included another extension of unemployment benefits and a reduction in the Social Security payroll tax, both heralded at the time as stimulus measures.'

'government at all levels is spending around 40 percent of GDP. If government spending brought about prosperity, we should be experiencing a golden age.' – Thrown Over the Fence — Infanticide, Canadian Style – Thrown Over the Fence — Infanticide, Canadian Style: "So a superior court judge in a relatively civilized jurisdiction is happy to extend the principles underlying legalized abortion in order to mitigate the killing of a legal person — that’s to say, someone who has managed to make it to the post-fetus stage. How long do those mitigating factors apply? I mean, “onerous demands”-wise, the first month of a newborn’s life is no picnic for the mother. How about six months in? The terrible twos?"

Is a rebellious teenager a "mitigating factor" too?

"Katrina Effert just might actually spend time behind bars — not for killing her son but for throwing the boy’s body over the fence. For that infraction, she might serve 16 days in jail."