Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Opinion: Why we should not fear a world of ‘universal encryption’ - CSMonitor.com

Opinion: Why we should not fear a world of ‘universal encryption’ - CSMonitor.com: "Therefore the “universal encryption” narrative isn’t a realistic prediction at all; it’s just a dystopian fantasia meant to scare politicians and voters. Nor is the government “going dark”; rather, it’s enjoying a Golden Age for surveillance, and that Golden Age isn’t ending any time soon – even if there will also always be some companies offering end-to-end encrypted services to those who value security as a feature more than those other features.

And that’s the key: People will always want and need to treat different communications differently, using different types of services with different types of features. Just as in the real world, where we keep some letters in a permanent file while other things we would only say in a whisper that’s never to be heard again, so, too, in the online world do we use Twitter for one kind of communication, Gmail for another, and Whatsapp for another, balancing features like accessibility and security and searchability and cost accordingly.  "

Teen arrested for allegedly having nude photos of himself on his phone - CNET

Teen arrested for allegedly having nude photos of himself on his phone - CNET: "Because the law viewed Copening as an adult perpetrator, the charge for him was sexual exploitation of a minor (also him), a felony."