Thursday, March 31, 2005

Short term needs vs. eternity investment

When you die you don't get to take any of your "things" with you so they won't matter at all. What you invest in things of eternal value is all that will matter than, but you still need to meet your short term needs right now. So how much of your time, money, and energy should go to short term needs vs. eternal investment? And what really are needs? I easily have my needs meet and I invest time, money, and energy in my wants to some degree. When I look back from eternity what will I say was the best mix of short term vs. eternity?

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Hey James,
It was great to find your blog. Be careful tho, blogging can be one of those short term "needs" that can take up that precious commodity of time. It's more addicting then coffee! Welcome to the blogosphere!