Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Campaign For Liberty — Lessons Learned and Re-Learned

Campaign For Liberty — Lessons Learned and Re-Learned: "A classic case of good intentions meeting bad incentives. People who took advantage of the rebate were, for the most part, going to buy another car this year anyway. We just robbed $4,500 from Peter to pay 20% of Paul's new car. Worse yet, Peter hasn't been born yet, we just added the bill to his crushing debt burden.

The way the rules were written, the worst polluting cars did not qualify for the rebate.� They are still out there spewing smoke and guzzling gas.� For many classes of vehicles, the change in fuel efficiency gained from the $4,500 could be as little as 2 mpg. You can improve your fuel efficiency more than this by driving differently - you should ask for $5,000."

"Before we give government control of health care, we should remember Cash-For-Clunkers, as well as Katrina, Sub-prime loans, TARP, Superfund, and a thousand other debacles that did more harm than good and cost multiples more than we were told they would. If the government can't run a used car lot, we probably shouldn't let them try their luck at brain surgery."

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