Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obama Kills Health Competition | Michael D. Tanner | Cato Institute: Commentary

Obama Kills Health Competition | Michael D. Tanner | Cato Institute: Commentary: "Obama has repeatedly said that one of his 'reform' goals is to increase 'competition and choice' in the US health-care system -- but the policies he's pursuing would actually reduce competition and give consumers fewer choices. Meanwhile, he's ignoring reforms that would bring more choices and competition."

"To truly create more choice and competition, Obama should tear down the regulatory barriers to choice by letting people buy insurance from states other than the one in which they live.

Though few realize it, it's illegal to purchase health insurance across state lines. This effectively creates insurance cartels in each state"

"Ironically, one group has this ability today: big businesses. The federal ERISA law (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act) lets larger companies ignore state mandates and avoid uncompetitive state markets: They can create their own plans, and their employees can take that insurance anywhere in the country."

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