Friday, January 22, 2010 - U.N. Panel's Glacier-Disaster Claims Melting Away - U.N. Panel's Glacier-Disaster Claims Melting Away: "Today, the IPCC issued a statement offering regret for the poorly vetted statements. 'The Chair, Vice-Chairs, and Co-chairs of the IPCC regret the poor application of well-established IPCC procedures,' the statement says, though it goes short of issuing a full retraction or reprinting the report.

Pachauri told Reuters on Monday that the group was looking into the issue, and planned to 'take a position on it in the next two or three days.'"

"'They are indeed receding and the rate is cause for great concern,' Ramesh said of the glaciers. But, he said, the IPCC's 2035 forecast was 'not based on an iota of scientific evidence.'"

"The speculative comments were not peer reviewed, and other reports have indicated that the glaciers are not retreating abnormally."

This just shows that IPCC is a political group -- not a scientific group. They didn't follow accepted scientific methods. So take their work as political statements and not scientific statements.

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