Thursday, March 04, 2010 - With Money on the Line, Local Governments Urge Illegal Immigrants to Fill Out Census - With Money on the Line, Local Governments Urge Illegal Immigrants to Fill Out Census: "Jurisdictions across the country are reaching out to illegal immigrant communities, some of which are reluctant to participate, in an effort to convince them that filling out the census form is safe and that the information they provide won't be used against them. Counting every last resident is vital for these districts, because the census numbers will be used to determine funding as well as legislative districts. The more people an area has, the more money it is eligible for, and the more representation it can get in Congress -- which usually means even more money."

"In Phoenix, officials estimate every resident counted is worth about $400 in government funding."

"Sharon Bulova, chairwoman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors ... said every counted resident is worth about $1,000 to the county."

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