Thursday, July 15, 2010

Defending the Litterer - Walter Block - Mises Daily

Defending the Litterer - Walter Block - Mises Daily: "When large crowds leave a ballpark, movie, theater, concert, or circus, what remains among the seats and aisles is not and cannot be litter. It is garbage, dirt, or waste, but not litter."

"in the market, the decision of whether and how much litter to allow is based ultimately on the wishes and desires of the consumers! The question is not treated simplistically and there is no general outcry to 'get rid of litterbugs.'

There is rather a careful weighing of the costs and benefits of allowing waste materials to accumulate."

"If litter were a violation of rights and a refusal to consider the comfort of others, what of the 'litter' in restaurants, ballparks, factories, etc.? Litter comes about in the private market precisely as a means of satisfying the desires of consumers for comfort. One no more violates the restaurant owner's rights by littering than by eating, since both are paid for."

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