Monday, September 20, 2010

Campaign For Liberty — Liberty and Prosperity

Campaign For Liberty — Liberty and Prosperity: "This November's choice between capitalism and socialism is not about whether you are rich or poor right now; it is about which of those two you wish to be tomorrow.

The inescapable lesson of economic history is that free market economies make everyone unequally richer, while state-controlled economies make everyone equally poorer. Which do you prefer - rich or equal? Free people overwhelmingly choose rich, which is why socialism can only be imposed by force or fraud."

"You and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve understand that people will not risk their life savings and work like a dog to bequeath their rewards to the IRS."

"Confiscating earnings from high earners does not make the poor richer anymore than cutting the heads off of tall people makes short people taller. All it does is increase government power and control over rich and poor alike, which is what the upcoming tax debate is really all about."

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