Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who Was R.C. Hoiles? - Jeff Riggenbach - Mises Daily

Who Was R.C. Hoiles? - Jeff Riggenbach - Mises Daily: "Hoiles found, he said, that while his

school texts exposed the political 'error' of the divine right of kings … they never explained the error in the divine right of the majority. [They] simply substituted the divine right of the majority for the divine right of kings.

"'The most harmful error most honest people make,' he wrote in an editorial in the Santa Ana Register,

is the belief that a group or a government can do things that would be harmful and wicked if done by an individual and produce results that are not harmful, unjust and wicked. It is the belief that a number of people doing a thing that is wrong for an individual to do, can make it right and just.

"As Hoiles himself put it, 'Any time a man has to pay for something he does not want because of the initiating of force by the government, he is, to that degree, a slave.'"

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