Friday, January 21, 2011

Can We Stop Calling Them "Consumer Protections" Now? | Michael F. Cannon | Cato Institute: Commentary

Can We Stop Calling Them "Consumer Protections" Now? | Michael F. Cannon | Cato Institute: Commentary: "At the same time Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius was threatening to bankrupt insurers who claim ObamaCare is increasing premiums by more than 1 percent, her own employees estimated that one of the law's regulations — the requirement to purchase unlimited annual coverage — will increase some people's premiums by 7 percent or more when fully implemented."

"The ban on discriminating against children with pre-existing conditions has caused insurers to stop selling child-only policies in dozens of states. The dependent-coverage mandate was cited as one of the reasons spurring a Service Employees International Union local in New York City to eliminate coverage for 6,000 dependent children.

In 2008, Congress passed a similar mandate that supporters said would expand coverage for mental-health and substance-abuse services. Instead, that mandate spurred the Screen Actors Guild to eliminate mental-health coverage for 12,000 of its lower-paid members. It had the same effect on 3,500 members of the Chicago's Plumbers Welfare Fund, and 2,200 employees of Woodman's Food Market in Wisconsin. Other employers are curtailing access to mental-health services thanks to this mandate, and some insurers have stopped selling such coverage altogether."

"This supposed consumer protection also punishes efforts to reduce fraud and improve quality by reviewing claims. Thus, in addition to increasing premiums, it may expose patients to unnecessary and even harmful services."

"Sebelius has so far issued 222 waivers, which raises the question: if these were really consumer protections, why waive them?"

"rules that were supposed to protect children have stripped sick kids of their health insurance and made it harder for parents to find coverage for kids who may soon fall ill. Other rules have reduced wages and discouraged hiring amid high unemployment."

1 comment:

Consumer Protection Acts said...

Consumer protections are the rights given to a consumer to protect him or her from being cheated by salesman. Now a days consumer protection laws are designed to ensure fair trade competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace. Thanks a lot....