Thursday, June 09, 2011

A Military Response to Cyberattacks Is Preposterous | Benjamin H. Friedman and Christopher Preble | Cato Institute: Commentary

A Military Response to Cyberattacks Is Preposterous | Benjamin H. Friedman and Christopher Preble | Cato Institute: Commentary: "We do not threaten to bomb countries caught spying on us in traditional ways and should not do so just because the prefix 'cyber' applies."

"Taken literally, the new policy might have us risking nuclear exchange with Russia because it failed to stop teenagers in Moscow Internet cafés from attacking"

"Cyberattacks have never killed an American, yet Senator Carl Levin compared them to weapons of mass destruction."

"We exaggerate online threats for the same reason we exaggerate other security threats: our information about the danger comes largely from those that benefit from the provision of defenses against it."

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