Monday, July 11, 2011

Walmart and the Right to Discriminate - Rod Rojas - Mises Daily

Walmart and the Right to Discriminate - Rod Rojas - Mises Daily: "Just to give you an example, young male doctors make considerably more than young female doctors. This is the type of statistic that gets very easily manipulated and publicized. However, if you look deeper, you will see that young male doctors work about 500 hours a year more than their female counterparts. Nine additional hours per week is no small difference!"

"In answer to that, the claimants say that, even though only profits matter, when it comes to hiring, male managers only want to hire other males. For some reason the company deliberately tosses aside all economic matters and takes a 25 percent loss just so that the guys can be with their buddies.

This claim is — of course — preposterous. If women could be hired to do the same work for 75 cents on the dollar, the business world would not ignore this difference.

Good businesses cannot afford this type of discrimination in the long run, because other businesses that realize the profit potential will thrive and replace those who ignore economic reality."

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