Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Teachable Moment Courtesy of Solyndra | Jerry Taylor and Peter Van Doren | Cato Institute: Commentary

A Teachable Moment Courtesy of Solyndra | Jerry Taylor and Peter Van Doren | Cato Institute: Commentary: 'The fact that federal loan guarantees were even necessary for Solyndra tells us that few, if any, lenders thought that giving the firm money was a very good idea. Given the fact that lenders who bet "right" on companies with strong prospects but insufficient capital are lenders who will make money, we can rest assured that hundreds if not thousands of bank loan officers took a long, hard look at Solyandra and said ... no thanks. Are we to believe that President Obama knows more than all of these profit-hungry capitalists about Solyndra's real prospects in global solar energy markets?'

'systematic evaluations of federal programs find no evidence that 60 years of federal energy tech spending have produced more benefits than costs.'

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