Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Bipartisan Imperial Presidency | Gene Healy | Cato Institute: Commentary

The Bipartisan Imperial Presidency | Gene Healy | Cato Institute: Commentary: "[Paul Ryan is ] one of "only six Republicans who voted yes on the auto bailout and both bank bailout votes," "

"in areas where the president has much more discretion than he does over the budget — there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two tickets. Among those questions: Can the president launch wars at will, subject American citizens to military detention and assassinate them via drone strike?"

"You can't expect the American presidency to operate as the Supreme Warlord of the Earth while abroad and remain a constitutionally constrained chief magistrate at home."

"A government big enough to whack its citizens with drones is big enough to make them buy health insurance."

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