Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Big Bird's Fuzzy Defenders March on Washington | Trevor Burrus | Cato Institute: Commentary

Big Bird's Fuzzy Defenders March on Washington | Trevor Burrus | Cato Institute: Commentary: "Big Bird, All Things Considered, or NOVA. Those things will almost assuredly continue to exist if federal funding, which is only 15% of public broadcasting's budget, is taken away."

"Nevertheless, if we cannot cut funding from something that doesn't even need federal funds to exist, then we are truly unprepared to meet the serious budget challenges that lie ahead."

"Each side has its sacred cows and, between the two, it seems that nearly all the federal government's budget is off-limits from serious cutting."

"Before the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, non-commercial broadcasting thrived. Because it took no federal money, National Educational Television was able to run hard-hitting documentaries that challenged the status quo with titles such as Who Invited US?, The Poor Pay More, Black Like Me and Inside North Vietnam."

"What would remain is a fully independent, non-commercial entity that depends on the generosity of people to keep going, which, save 15%, is essentially what we have now."

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