Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Israel's Hamas Policy Threatens Permanent War | Doug Bandow | Cato Institute

Israel's Hamas Policy Threatens Permanent War | Doug Bandow | Cato Institute: "Justified as denying Hamas construction materials and the like, the blockade enriches the movement, which taxes goods smuggled in. Wrecking the civilian economy weakens the private business community, which has the greatest interest in peaceful accommodation with Israel."

"Israel’s attacks are disproportionate. Israel has a long history of attacking civilians as a matter of policy."
I thought rockets from P.A. were aimed at civilian areas? :-/

"What popular support Hamas has lost from misgovernment it has regained by seeming to defend Palestinians. Hamas forced Israel to negotiate: the cease-fire requires talks on increasing the freedom of movement for people and goods and ending targeted assassinations."

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