Friday, April 05, 2013

Dr. Manny: Judge is placing young women in danger with Plan B decision | Fox News

Dr. Manny: Judge is placing young women in danger with Plan B decision | Fox News: "a school nurse can’t even give an aspirin without parental consent, and yet a federal judge says it’s okay for a 13-year-old to get emergency contraception without anyone saying anything about it? "

"It was not that long ago that these types of hormonal contraceptive pills were given under medical prescription only – because these are real hormones with real side effects.  Yes, I understand that the complication rates are minimal, and I was okay with the FDA making this an over-the-counter product.  But I’m certainly not okay with allowing a young child to have access to these medicines.
First of all, how is a 13-year-old girl supposed to tell the difference between emergency contraception and birth control? In other words, Plan B is only to be used in case of an emergency, in which you may feel as if your regular form of birth control failed and there was a window of time when you may have gotten pregnant."

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