Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Obama's Damaging Admission | Cato Institute

Obama's Damaging Admission | Cato Institute: ""When the PPACA begins reducing the number of uninsured, hospitals won’t need those subsidies. In his budget, however, President Obama proposes to increase Medicaid DSH payments by $360 million in 2014, effectively rescinding next year’s cut. This deceptively small item has far-reaching significance. With this proposal, President Obama has admitted that:

1. The PPACA is not likely to reduce uncompensated care in 2014."

"Hospitals, which lobbied forthe PPACA, have been threatening that unless states implement the Medicaid expansion, the Medicaid DSH cuts will lead to layoffs and closures in their districts.

President Obama has rescued the hospital lobby from that self-inflicted wound."

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