Thursday, June 27, 2013

'Reform' Is Just a Word at the U.N., Its Own Investigation Shows | Fox News

'Reform' Is Just a Word at the U.N., Its Own Investigation Shows | Fox News: "After four months spent studying a much-touted “Integrated Global Management Initiative,” intended to improve the performance of the sprawling U.N. conference bureaucracy, the OIOS inspectors declared that they had discovered “no progress or change” in how the organization was able to allocate money and staff around the world.

Nor could the investigators discover any cost savings as a result of the global reform effort. In fact, the report says, “no attempt has been made to track any savings or efficiency gains.” "

"The investigators added that in some cases, records that could be used to compare the delivery of conference services had been “compromised” through “retrospective adjustment.” "

“an inordinate amount of time has been spent on discussions about the relative merits of off-the-shelf hardware versus customization and in-house versus external information technology expertise, resulting in a diversion of efforts to deal with the underlying substance of workflow practices.”

"Neither the U.N. Secretary General nor his top managers, the report notes, have removed some fundamental obstacles to change"

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