Friday, June 14, 2013

Why the IRS Cannot Be Reformed | Cato Institute

Why the IRS Cannot Be Reformed | Cato Institute: "Every few years, at least from the time of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, there is a scandal involving abuse of power at the Internal Revenue Service."

"the nature of the income tax, which, by definition, is subjective in its interpretation of the definition of “income” and thus subject to abuse."

"Economic income is defined differently than taxable income. As a result, most companies are required by law to keep a separate set of books to comply both with Securities and Exchange Commission regulations and IRS regulations — and often other sets of books to comply with the regulations of foreign countries."

"The IRS is inconsistent, even with individuals, in definitions of income. In some cases, adjustments are made for inflation, but not in other cases."

"The tax code is so complex that no individual can understand it, including those who work for the IRS."

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