Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » ZIMMERMAN VERDICT PART 17: THE COPS

Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » ZIMMERMAN VERDICT PART 17: THE COPS: "The next time some tells says “Never talk to the police, they’re your enemy,” remember each and every one of those honest members of the criminal justice system who stood up, told the truth, and did their duty.  The next time someone tells  you that the police are the mindless minions of the Gestapo/Leviathan/The Zionist Occupation Government/The Man (pick one as suits the given agenda), remember the ones who were severely and unmeritoriously punished for having fulfilled their oath and hewed to the truth.  And remember the role they all played in getting that truth across to the jury, and helping to acquit an innocent man who, by every objective analysis of the evidence, was wrongly accused."

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