Saturday, August 06, 2016

Beyond protests, St. Paul shows how police and community can find solutions -

Beyond protests, St. Paul shows how police and community can find solutions - "A few evenings a week, Mr. Lott and several dozen other Community Ambassadors with youth-outreach experience walk the streets to defuse tensions, and steer kids into productive channels instead of local precincts.

“There is a new culture shift, where [the police are acknowledging they] do have to do something differently … which has been remarkable.” Lott says. “I’ve never felt closer to police officers than I do now…. We’re developing relationships.”

In turn, St. Paul has witnessed significant declines in crimes and juvenile arrests."

"“The kids are having less contact with the police … and the police are treating them more human; we humanized them. So it’s been a win-win,” says Community Ambassadors project manager Joel Franklin."

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